Thursday, May 29, 2008

Car Dealership Update

So they've apologized for the "sit down and shut up" ad campaign. But much more interesting than that.. read this blog post from someone claiming to be the person who wrote the ad:

... do not condem any American that disagrees with me. You all can stand up and shout, burn flags, gather on a corner and cuss the government, males can marry males, females can marry females you can all buy one of those imports and send the money to Japan if you want, but you do not have the right to force your philosophy on to others. I think that it is time for you to understand this very simple little fact. You are in the minority and as loud as you yell and protest, you will always be in the minority.

1 comment:

Dan said...

I think that during one of the improvised sections excusing the Atheist ("of course it's his right" etc. etc.), we should make available the line "but if you want men to marry men and to send money to Japan...".