Thursday, May 8, 2008

Why Vaudeville?

The subtitle of this play is (was ) an unfair vaudeville. I'll get to the unfair part later. For now, why vaudeville.

Not because I want to imitate the tropes of vaudeville. No footlights and baggy pants, please.

First, and most important, because of belief. Vaudeville never asks you to suspend your disbelief. You're exactly where you are. The performers are who they are. Abbott and Costello may say they're a reporter and a baseball team manager, but they never ask us to believe it. They're still friggin Abbott and Costello.

In Vaudeville, the performers are honestly trying to entertain, move, or con you. Yes, even the charlatans and illusionists have the dignity of honesty.

More later.

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